
Why are backlinks important within SEO?

Like many SEO experts, link building is a very important tool, which has a great and very strong potential to generate organic traffic to your website. However, an important element within link building is backlinks. What are backlinks? In simple terms, backlinks are the links that we make to generate traffic to our website. You can place backlinks in two ways: one would be within an article and the other, simply by leaving a link anywhere on a website that allows you to publish it. How should I publish the backlinks? Within SEO, article writing is undoubtedly the best way to project useful information to the reader and achieve your goal. In my personal experience, the best way to make the backlinks is, including them within an article which is well SEO optimized and generates input to the user. It is not advisable to simply publish a link or backlink, because that link has no point of use for the user, it is an unknown link, which does not have information about...

How can a customer control a SEO promotion contractor?

For many customers, website search engine optimization looks like a black box. What is being done with the site and how to evaluate the result of these actions is not clear. In this article, I want to tell in simple terms what to expect from a promotion contractor and how to determine if SEO work is really being done. What to expect initially At the beginning of the promotion work, specialists check the technical condition of the site: whether the site is correctly implemented and configured, how quickly the pages open, whether there are any errors and warning messages from browsers. To assess the performance of the site, the collection of analytical data must be configured. For this purpose free Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics or more advanced paid systems are used. Any of them is enough. It is also mandatory to set up the achievement of goals (placing goods in the basket, paying for an order, etc.). Then a check is performed for compliance with the requ...

Why unique content is important for SEO

Why is unique content important for SEO? It's simple, nobody wants to read old news or articles. The content of your blog posts should be relevant and unique. The site should bring something new to the "garbage" that has accumulated on the Internet. In this post, I will explain the importance of unique content for a website SEO. Google's mission To understand why unique content is important to SEO, we need to take a look at Google's mission statement. Google's mission: "organizing the world's information, making it accessible and useful for everyone." Thus, in order for Google to rank your content, you must write accessible and useful content for your audience. The data on the site should bring something new, different from the information already accumulated on the Internet (on a specific topic). Offer users what they couldn't find in other blogs, articles, websites. What is unique content? Unique content  does not necessarily mean t...

How do search engines work?

The acronym  SEO  (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION) refers to the set of actions to improve the results obtained in search engines without paying directly to the search engine. SEO is the process of optimizing a website to attract more visitors through search engines. SEO work is quality work, not quantity work. It is not about making many changes, but making the necessary ones to improve search engine positioning  . SEO work shows its results in the medium and long term, so it cannot be used for imminent campaigns. SEO results take a minimum of two to four weeks to be visible.   How do search engines work? From user searches, search engines have to find the most relevant answers. To do this, they send automated programs called "bots", "spiders" or "spiders" that use a web structure of links to "crawl" the pages in search of that relevant content. Once the pages are crawled, they and their content are stored in large databases that make up...


TIPS TO QUICKLY RANK  HIGH IN SEO FOR GOOGLE TO SEND YOU TRAFFIC Publishers are constantly looking for ways to rank their content higher in SEO; which means your content gets more traffic from Google searches. For an editor, there are few things more satisfying than nailing the SEO on a new article so well that it immediately ranks for a significant keyword. While most publishers know that seasoned, mature content is more likely to rank higher as it gains more exposure, many don't know why some of their new content ranks right away and other articles seemingly never top it.   WHAT IS A RICH RESULT OR A RICH SNIPPET ON GOOGLE? Rich results, or rich snippets, are search results that provide snippets of information without the need for a user to click on a specific link. They are what you see at the top of search results, especially in response to questions. For example, look at this quest for 'who is Abraham Lincoln Most of you are familiar with ...

SEO Tips To Improve The Positioning Of Your Website

  6 SEO Tips To Improve The Positioning Of Your Website   If you want to create a website for your business, be it an online store or a blog, it is important that you know the techniques necessary for your website to achieve success. SEO is one of them. Its function is exclusively intended to increase web traffic and obtain quality links.  Currently SEO is the most demanded and innovative online marketing technique and it has become a necessity for any website .The goal of SEO is to improve the visibility of your web page, so that search engines can read and navigate through it with ease.   With the adoption of SEO strategies, you can optimize your website correctly and take better advantage of exposure, thus getting more visitors. However, to carry out SEO practices it is necessary that you and your marketing professional have patience and perseverance, the results come over time.  To get results as soon as possible, it is best ...


  REASONS FOR HIRING SEO SERVICES FOR ONLINE BUSINESS Today, when increasing your business’s online presence is considered to be one of the most important thing to do for a successful business many businesses are hiring the seo services for the optimum results on all search engines. Those who want to save money while doing seo sometimes try to learn it to apply it on their business, it proves to be a great risk for business. Search Engine optimization is a specialized field and it needs months and sometimes even years to master the art of seo. Let’s suppose if you learn seo techniques who will guarantee the implementation of right technique at the right time and place. It is also a fact, that in the present era of ever-increasing competition one cannot let his website stay at standby. In such a situation the best option that you should use for the better interest of your business is to outsource the seo of your website to a competent seo company like New Jersey Seo Services. T...