Why are backlinks important within SEO?

Like many SEO experts, link building is a very important tool, which has a great and very strong potential to generate organic traffic to your website. However, an important element within link building is backlinks.

What are backlinks?

In simple terms, backlinks are the links that we make to generate traffic to our website. You can place backlinks in two ways: one would be within an article and the other, simply by leaving a link anywhere on a website that allows you to publish it.

How should I publish the backlinks?

Within SEO, article writing is undoubtedly the best way to project useful information to the reader and achieve your goal. In my personal experience, the best way to make the backlinks is, including them within an article which is well SEO optimized and generates input to the user.
It is not advisable to simply publish a link or backlink, because that link has no point of use for the user, it is an unknown link, which does not have information about what it wants to transmit and that many times, it does not attract attention to visit due to its anonymity. .
Those of us who work with SEO know perfectly well that it is important to always practice quality SEO and that implies having certain knowledge. In the case of using tools such as link building, it is very important to know that there are two types: White Hat and Black Hat.

                                                       (New Jersey SEO Company)

Difference between White Hat and Black Hat?

The White Hat is the normal practice, and it adds points to your website both in traffic and in Google positioning in an exponential way, that is, from less to more ... Google, already has this technique well recognized, and knows perfectly, when this technique is not used well.
The Black Hat, on the other hand, is a dishonest practice, which seeks to Google simply to be in the first positions, but, which does not provide valuable information to the user. This practice consists of publishing our website link on hundreds of websites to generate fast traffic. This is not approved by Google and can cause your website to be sanctioned.


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